YTS Privacy Guarantee

Customer confidentiality is the groundbreaking principle for our company. That is why we have designed our social media interaction and free tools to know and protect the information you provide when using the services and checking out.

Why Choose YTS for Privacy?

Get YTS for Privacy because we appreciate the value of each and every of your personal data. Our firm practices very restrictive policies that guarantee the highest level of confidentiality each time we serve you. We abide by privacy protocols in social media engagement plans, free tools, and checkout process all in place to avail privacy for our customers. You can trust YTS to ensure your privacy and create a safe online space.

Here are the ways we ensure our customers' safety, from selecting a plan to checkout.


No Password Needed

our organization will never ask for our customers' social media passwords to engage with them, irrespective of the type of plan or tools they use.


Secure Payment Gateway

We have made a decision not to keep any information regarding customers' payment methods on any servers of ours.


Anonymous Choices

Customers can apply an untraceable e-mail address to be able to have their order tracking details delivered.


No Disclosure

We have been always been keeping the secrets of our customers' orders by ourselves.